Thursday, January 7, 2010

BDO and new Scare stuff

Hey Gang

Happy New Year!!

Here are the times we are playing at the BDO 2010.

We are playing on the Hot Produce stage in all cities.

Gold Coast – 5pm
Sydney #1 – 6.45pm
Sydney #2 – 4.30pm
Melbourne – 2.30pm
Adelaide – 5pm
Perth – 4pm

In other news,
We have started work on some new material.
Kiss is heading down to tasmania this week to work at whitelightonthemountain with Oozevoodoo engineer Chris Townend. We will keep you posted on this.

We are in the midst of planning an overseas adventure and releasing another video for the "Oozevoodoo" record.

PLEASE PLEASE vote for "No Money" in the hottest 100 for 2009,

See you all soon.


  1. You guys were to die for at Big Day Out. I licked Kiss' stomach.. it was salty.

    When are you gonna do some tours to Brisbane? I've been telling all my friends about you and I need you to back up my stories.


  2. Caught you guys at Homebake, and then walking through the Hot Produce Stage I recognised that sound, that voice. So we just had to stay listen and jump around. You guys kicked arse on Saturday.

    It's not always the big bands on the big stages that steal the show.


  3. Just want to let you guys know you rocked at the Gold Coast Big Day Out. I watched the whole preformance, great atmosphere, its good to see crowd interaction from the lead singer... Keep rocking!

  4. I finally got round to getting your album and it rocks! I hope you guys come down to Tassie soon cos it would be great to see you guys live :)
    Thanks for making a brilliant Australian album!
    Shannon x
